This case is raising funds for its stretch target. Your pledge will be collected within the next 24-48 hours (and it only takes two minutes to pledge!)
Latest: July 9, 2023
Hello everyone, we hope you're all doing well!
After thinking carefully for the last few months and listening to what you - our incredible supporters - wanted us to do, we have decided to co…
Read moreWho I am
My name is Chloe Wilkinson. Under the name Kya, I run the DissociaDID YouTube channel and associated social media profiles. The purpose of this is to spread awareness about Dissociative Identity Disorder (“DID”) and de-stigmatise DID, making content for subscribers (currently over 1.1m on YouTube). DissociaDID helps to fundraise for charities and support others struggling with their mental health (whether they have DID or not), as well as providing educational content.
In June 2020 we began working with an individual who volunteered to provide some help to the DissociaDID channel (for free, and without credit). Our relationship with this individual broke down later that year, and he issued proceedings for infringement of copyright. He claims that the work he did for DissociaDID remained his, despite repeating time and again it was all for free and for the good of the DID community. He issued a huge number of YouTube copyright strikes, having videos disabled and demonetising the channel for a significant period. We counterclaimed based on that lost income.
The trial of the case is taking place later this month, and we can no longer afford to pay lawyers to represent us.
What are we trying to achieve
Our main goal is to make sure we defeat the copyright claim. If the claim succeeds, there is a very real chance that DissociaDID will have to shut down permanently. While the counterclaim is obviously very important, our biggest objective is to keep DissociaDID, and keep helping the DID community.
The next step
The trial is on the 21 and 22 of June: only weeks away. We need to raise funds incredibly quickly to pay lawyers to represent us. We have been trying to do this ourselves since March, but we are not going to be able to do the trial without specialist lawyers. The Claimant has the benefit of specialist lawyers.
How much are we trying to raise
Our target is £68,000. This sum will pay for solicitors to represent us, and a barrister to advocate for us in Court. It is a huge sum of money, but from everything we have learned about intellectual property law and lawyers, it is good value. The money will never come to us: we are raising funds through the Crowd Justice platform so that our solicitors, Brett Wilson LLP, will receive the money raised directly into their client account in order to meet legal costs. We cannot profit from the fundraising.
We have set an ‘initial’ target of £40,000 so that our solicitor can decide if there is a real likelihood of us reaching the sums required. If we reach £40,000, we at least have options.
How long we have to raise it
Days. We have struggled to find people to help us with this, and we are now raising funds at the last minute. The first few days of fundraising will be critical to the claim. Our solicitor will use the first few days to decide if there is any prospect of reaching the targets. We need to be well on the way to the target by 8 June, and hit the target before 15 June.
We are incredibly grateful for any support that you can offer. Every donation, no matter its size, means the world to us.
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Your share on Facebook could raise £26 for the case
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Kya - DissociaDID
July 9, 2023
Hello everyone, we hope you're all doing well!
After thinking carefully for the last few months and listening to what you - our incredible supporters - wanted us to do, we have decided to continue the case through the Quantum Proceedings and fight Costa for damages.
The response from you was overwhelmingly to keep fighting and get justice! Our lawyers have quoted us another £50,000 minimum to get us through to the end of the Quantum proceedings, so we have now adjusted the CrowdJustice goal to include that estimate.
We also have an update about Costa's applications to appeal. He applied for a FIFTH time, and was (predictably) rejected.
Sérgio Costa has also confirmed that he reported us to the Portuguese Police for "harassment" because we posted our first video speaking out about why our videos were removed. He has been calling this the "criminal proceedings".
We have a full update on the situation here: https://youtu.be/pdt07BfXsgE
We are so grateful for all your support! Please continue to share, interact and donate to help us beat Mr Costa once and for all. We can't do this without you!
All our love,

Kya - DissociaDID
Feb. 4, 2023
Following the judgment on 16 January 2023 when Costas’s applications for costs orders against his own lawyers were dismissed, he has now filed applications for permission to appeal against every decision that the Judge has made that went against him.
In total, he has now filed four live appeals. They range from accusing the Judge of misunderstanding basic legal principles, to claiming that he was not given a fair hearing despite very many rounds of written submissions and multiple court appearances.
This matter is now being considered by the Court of Appeal – you can keep up to date with what is going on with the Court of Appeal’s case tracker, here: https://casetracker.justice.
Unfortunately, all the money raised by the fundraiser so far have been used, and over the last few months we have been paying whatever we can to our lawyers to get us through to the end of this claim. We've run our of personal funds, and have had to raise the target amount to £200,000 to try to cover the necessary legal costs of fighting these appeals.
We will have a more in depth video update coming for you soon on the DissociaDID YouTube channel.
Please share this fundraiser and the news about this case as far and wide as you can, and donate if you're able!
I'm sorry we don't have a happier update for you, but we are determined to see these appeals dismissed and finally see the end of this once and for all.
Thank you all so much for your incredible love and support!

Kya - DissociaDID
July 11, 2022
Trail dates & update!
Trial dates and update!
The opposition has agreed that tomorrow's (12th of July) hearing serves no purpose and should be vacated.
We had mistakenly thought the hearing was the one originally set for November. Actually, it was the opposition’s separate application to bring the date of November's hearing forward. That hearing now stays in November.
However, we still need to hit our next funding goal to cover the next stage of the Harassment proceedings!
Costs so far:
There was approximately £30k left over from the initial £110k raised in the first round of fundraising (Crowd Justices takes a % too). £15k of this is retained for work on the IP trial (hand-down of judgment, consequential orders, any appeal, enforcement etc.). The remaining £15k has been put towards the harassment matter. The total cost of the harassment matter is presently unknown (it depends how the case progresses/is defended). At this stage, we’re seeking a further £60K for the next stage of the proceedings. We have explained here [link] what happens to unused funds.

Kya - DissociaDID
July 8, 2022
The 2 day IP Trial is over! We find out who won in Sept/Oct and will let you know as soon as we find out. After that there will be another hearing to fight out who gets what damages, costs etc. For now, our attention is turning to the Harassment case hearing NEXT WEEK.
Originally the next Harassment hearing was scheduled for November, however the opposition applied to bring this forward. Yesterday we found out that it has been moved forward to NEXT TUESDAY, 12th July 2022.
This is a procedural hearing, not a final hearing. Our Solicitors have quoted us another £60,000 to bring us through the next part of the Harassment case including this hearing, so this has been added for our next goal! (This will not cover the full Harassment trial, just the next part of the case.)
As always we are so grateful for your support, we wouldn't be able to seek justice without you. We are keeping momentum going and continuing to fight for what's right.
Please continue to share this fundraiser and our story, and donate if you are able! Let's do this!
Kya & everyone from DissociaDID

Kya - DissociaDID
June 20, 2022
Heading into London for the IPEC Court hearings tomorrow and wednesday! We aren't allowed to share how the hearing is going during the 2 day trial. It'll be about 6-8 weeks before a final decision is made (I think), and then probably another hearing to decide who gets what (damages, legal costs, court orders, etc) but we are in good spirits and feeling relaxed!
Please send us your strength and grounding, positive energy for two days of difficult triggers in an unfamiliar place ❤️
We would have been doing this alone without you. We love you all and can't thank you enough for the encouragement and support you've given us. It's made all the difference, and we are ready now. 💪❤️
Let's do this.

Kya - DissociaDID
June 6, 2022
Just wanted to be really clear! Any overspill beyond the goal will go towards the judgment consequentials and funding the Harassment Claim!

Kya - DissociaDID
June 6, 2022
WE HIT THE GOAL! Next: Post Judgement Hearing
WE HIT THE GOAL?! Thank you SO much! Never in a million years did we think this was possible, this community truly astounds us every day. We are so grateful for your support and the love you have been sending our way! We are in high spirits - this means we can cover the costs for the next IP hearing on the 21st and 22nd June 2022.
Any donations that exceed the original $68,000 goal will help cover the fees for us to be represented at the post-judgement hearing (the hearing after the decision has been made). Our solicitor will tell us how much that costs, and we will add that amount to the fundraiser as a stretch target goal. The post-judgement hearing should hopefully be the last hearing for the IP Case. We will keep you updated on hearing dates!
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