Oldies fight back - to win indexation for PPF and FAS members!

by Deprived Pensioners Association

Oldies fight back - to win indexation for PPF and FAS members!

by Deprived Pensioners Association
Deprived Pensioners Association
Case Owner
We founded the D P A because we are horrified by the injustice that many thousands are suffering. We are all former Mowlem directors: Sir Philip Beck, Sir John Gains, Brian Watkins, Roger Sainsbury.
days to go
pledged of £50,000 stretch target from 376 pledges
Pledge now
Deprived Pensioners Association
Case Owner
We founded the D P A because we are horrified by the injustice that many thousands are suffering. We are all former Mowlem directors: Sir Philip Beck, Sir John Gains, Brian Watkins, Roger Sainsbury.
Pledge now

This case is raising funds for its stretch target. Your pledge will be collected within the next 24-48 hours (and it only takes two minutes to pledge!)

Latest: Dec. 20, 2023

Second Target Achieved

From our first target of £15,000 to our second of £40,000 was a big jump, but we have now achieved this figure.  We have set a new target of £50,000.  There is no definite…

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If you have come to this site from the DPA website with the intention of donating, please now make your donation.


If you have alighted on this page without having been to the web page, please go to our website and get the full story of what we Oldies are fighting for.  We hope then you might join our battle.  deprivedpensioners.org

Recent contributions

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Your share on Facebook could raise £26 for the case

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Update 7

Deprived Pensioners Association

Dec. 20, 2023

Second Target Achieved

From our first target of £15,000 to our second of £40,000 was a big jump, but we have now achieved this figure.  We have set a new target of £50,000.  There is no definite answer to the question of how much we need and, of course, we have had some expenses (chiefly construction of our website and fees to a PR consultant).  We think the £50,000 will be enough for us to take the initial step of applying for Judicial Review.

Christmas is a time for giving.  Let's go for it.

Update 6

Deprived Pensioners Association

Aug. 7, 2023

First 28 days, a powerful start! But more to do...

In just 4 weeks, your donations have reached nearly £30,000! A huge thank you to all 200+ contributors. We are in touch with over 2000 PPF/FAS members across social media. Sign ups to our website mailing list are increasing every day. This campaign is making amazing progress, because ... Together, Oldies Fight Back! 

What next ...

Our challenge is to reach many more members of the Pension Protection Fund and Financial Assistance Scheme. 

Find PPF/FAS members ...

Ask all your retired friends whether they are in PPF or FAS. If you find some, get then to go to our website. Encourage them to donate. Suggest they volunteer to help. Get consent to provide their contact details to us.

Find PPF member companies ...

There are over 3000 company schemes under PPF management. Find here: PPF schemes search. If you see any company for whom a friend used to work, contact that friend and encourage them to visit out site and get involved, as outlined above. 

Here are some companies where we would love to find a representative:

  • AEA technology
  • Allders Stores
  • Allied Carpets
  • British Home Stores
  • Carillion
  • Debenhams Retail
  • Harland and Wolff
  • Jacques Vert
  • Tarmac

In each case, we need to find an individual who is willing to work to build up a group of contacts. If we could have a group of even 50 people at each of the above, that would be 450 potential donors – significant, considering that we currently have £28,000+ from just over 200 donors.

Write to your local press ...

Please write to your local press. We want to reach the many PPF members who don't use social media. 

If you have connections with your local journalists, please talk to them about this campaign. Please write into their letters page, calling for PPF members to visit our website and support this campaign. 

It is natural to be shy of talking about your finances publicly, but we have learnt that if you include some personal details the Press are more likely to pick up the story. 

If you get published, please share a photo of the page or link with us. Thank you. 

Your words bring the human side of this campaign to life ...

Our mailing list is growing rapidly, we are getting attention on social media, and coverage in the Press. But most importantly are the messages from you all demonstrating why this campaign is so important. 

"Thank you for what you are doing for us Mowlem pensioners, I have only a small pension and PPF is slanted and, penalises folks like me, good luck"

"I never realised how unjust this ruling was until I saw how little my pension had increased. Let's hope this injustice is rectified by this excellent campaign."

"Frustrating we have to fight for what’s rightfully ours but looks like a good fight on here now with the help of some tenacious professionals."

"Have been writing for years to my MP about this as a PPF member."

"The PPF rules are clearly unfair and prejudiced against the old and females. This need to be corrected."

"I am frustrated and annoyed ...that our pensions before 1997 will be allowed to devalue at an alarming rate due to no inflation protection."

"High time this clear case of discrimination is resolved"

"A sincere thank you for the time and effort involved in this effort which is so needed"

"On behalf of all Monarch Airlines pensioners adversely affected by this unfair rule, I wish the campaign every success"

Please keep donating

Update 5

Deprived Pensioners Association

July 24, 2023

Forging Ahead

Forging Ahead


Wow! What a result! Within seven days we reached our target of £15,000, and in a further five days we have hit £20,000. Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who has supported us. Your contributions illustrate what a vital campaign this is. Together, Oldies Fight Back

We have, however, in this fight for fair indexation, a long way to go. We have named a stretch target of £150,000. We don’t need that much to launch a judicial review, but it would be nice to have that sort of amount, to appoint high calibre lawyers.

We do, however, need more than £15,000. I need to explain why we have set a target which is not in itself sufficient. This is because ours is not a normal CrowdJustice campaign. We shall in a few weeks be opening a campaign for the general public. At present, the campaign is aimed at PPF and FAS members who will gain personally if we can win our battle. The PPF will not tell us who these people are. Our main effort now is finding groups of people who are in PPF or FAS. We are doing quite well, but this will take time.

For this reason, we could not set a high initial target. In the Crowdjustice system, it we don’t meet the target within a month, the whole thing is cancelled, and we lose any chance of winning the indexation. We had to be prudent and went for £15,000. 

We are now going to aim for another goal: £40,000. This will be a significant landmark, but cannot lead to any cancellation by Crowdjustice. It is our goal, not their goal. It is legally not possible for us to state how much money is needed to launch the Judicial Review, but this amount should put us into the right territory.

Please keep spreading the word in every way you can. Most important, please try and find us another group of PPF or FAS members. It will be from some company which went bust. It might be an e-mail group or a Facebook group.

Update 4

Deprived Pensioners Association

July 19, 2023

The Guardian picks up our cause...

The Guardian highlights the impact of high inflation on Pension Protection Fund pensioners. 

Despite the modest drop in interest rates today, interest is still close to 8%. PPF payments, even for those fully indexed, are capped at 2.5% which month on month impacts PPF pensioners. The oldest, with no indexation, see their pensions rapidly shrinking in real terms.


Don't forget to join us on social media. Follow and like "Deprived Pensioners" on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin. Help us get our message out to all 260,000 members of the PPF & FAS affected.

Update 3

Deprived Pensioners Association

July 19, 2023

Uncovering the impact of inadequate indexation

Hitting the press again ... "Pensioners miss out as PPF lifeboat fails to match inflation", today in 'This Is Money'. 

Tom Parry helps explain the real terms hardship affecting members of the Pension Protection Fund and Financial Assistance Scheme. "One pensioner, 78-year-old Mike Wilding told us that he has to keep working to top up his pension, which rises by just £100 per year, despite originally retiring when he reached 65." You can read his story below...


Update 2

Deprived Pensioners Association

July 18, 2023

More press coverage - in the Daily Express

'Devastating' pensions technicality means 260,000 risk inflation hit with no protection. 

Nicholas Dawson writes: Campaigners are calling for compensation as they claim some 260,000 pensioners are deprived of inflation indexation. Mon, Jul 17, 2023

Read here in full:  https://www.express.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/1791892/pensioners-not-protected-inflation-compensation

Please share to 5 friends and colleagues to spread the word - we need to reach all 260,000 members of the PPF/FAS. 

And sign up to Deprived Pensioners if you haven't already. 

Together #oldiesfightback!

Update 1

Deprived Pensioners Association

July 16, 2023

Our campaign is getting noticed - Mail on Sunday

Exciting news! Today, Mail on Sunday covered our story. Award winning journalist, Tom Parry has written about our cause in full on p.65. He interviewed elderly PPF member Mike Wilding, aged 78, who really brings alive the struggles so many PPF members face, due to the unfair Pension Protection Fund pre-1997 rule. 

Support Deprived Pensioners - together we can fight back against the PPF injustice. 

Please share this update with 5 friends on social media and help reach all 260,000 PPF/FAS members affected.

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