Help support a teenage girl challenge CPS LGBT+ hate crime guidance
Help support a teenage girl challenge CPS LGBT+ hate crime guidance

Latest: Feb. 9, 2021
Judicial Review Decision
Apologies for the delay in updating you on this case. We were waiting to see if the claimant was going to appeal the decision. On the advice of her legal team, she has decided not to appeal so we wil…
Read moreSafe Schools Alliance UK and Fair Cop are supporting a teenage girl in seeking a Judicial Review to challenge the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) over its LGBT+ hate crime guidance for schools.
This guidance is designed to educate students about what hate crimes and hate incidents towards LGBT+ people look like, how they are dealt with, and the potential legal sanctions they might incur. It is aimed at KS3 and KS4, which ranges from ages 11-16.
It effectively means the Police and CPS are monitoring our classrooms and encouraging school children and teachers to report each other for disagreeing with transgender ideology. The guidance undermines safeguarding because students will feel intimidated under threat of prosecution to ignore their own personal and sexual boundaries, and will be forced into situations which make them feel uncomfortable or unsafe.
We are concerned that Stonewall and Gendered Intelligence advised on this guidance given that these groups have a long track record in attempting to shut down legitimate discussion about transgender ideology and the safeguarding issues which surround it.
The CPS describe an LGBT+ hate crime thus:
“Any criminal offence which is perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by a hostility or prejudice based on a person’s sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation; or a person who is transgender or perceived to be transgender.”
Describing a hate incident, the CPS says, ‘there is no statutory definition of a homophobic or transphobic incident.’ The description carries the same wording as that of a hate crime, but no criminal offence has to have occurred. It is a non-crime. No evidence is required, only the say-so of a perceived victim or someone else who says they encountered, either directly or indirectly, a comment or action which they perceived to be motivated by prejudice or hate.
The Teachers Glossary defines Transphobia: “Discrimination against and/or dislike of trans-people (including those perceived to be trans). This also includes the perpetuation of negative myths and stereotypes through jokes and/or through personal negative thoughts about trans-people. This can take the form of persistently and consciously misnaming a person, as well as attacking them verbally or physically..”
We find it incredibly disturbing that this guidance seeks to control the ‘personal thoughts’ of children, we cannot see how insinuating to children that they could be criminalised for their ‘thoughts’ is conducive to good mental health. Attempting to control the thoughts of anybody, especially children is Orwellian and has no place at all in a democracy, particularly not in a school.
This guidance is being challenged on several grounds
- It contains legal errors relating to the Equality Act 2010.
- It misrepresents the law relating to Gender Identity, Single Sex Toilet Facilities and Prosecution of Hate Incidents
- It had no input from organisations with specialist knowledge of child welfare.
- It seeks to indoctrinate children.
- It seeks to suppress Free Speech
- It seeks to suppress Freedom of Association
While the guidance purports to protect LGBT+ people, it in fact places the feelings and perceptions of trans-identified people above those who are lesbian, gay or bisexual, as well as their heterosexual fellow citizens.
The guidance replaces the definition of sexual orientation contained within the Equality Act 2010 (lesbian and gay, attracted to the same sex; bisexual, attracted to both sexes; heterosexual, attracted to the opposite sex), by substituting the word ‘sex’ with the undefined term, ‘gender.’
The change from ‘sex’ to ‘gender’ erases the biological nature of attraction and replaces it with attraction to sex stereotypes and a feeling in a person’s head. One of the examples put forward as a potential hate crime is that of a group of girls ‘rejecting’ a male student who identifies as a girl and a lesbian. The word ‘reject’ is not defined in the guidance, so could be taken to mean anything from exclusion from a friendship group to rejecting sexual advances. This is not only clearly homophobic, but it will inevitably result in students feeling coerced into friendships which make them unhappy and uncomfortable, or worse, feeling intimidated and unable to reject romantic or sexual advances for fear of being accused of hate.
In the words of the teenage girl claimant,
"I feel that if I don't like someone, and don't want to hang out with them, I shouldn't feel I was forced to in any way. Being made to hang out with someone you don't like won't make you like them sincerely. I feel my own mental health would suffer."
The guidance also puts forward another example of a potential hate crime in its lesson plans. A worksheet pictures a much older adult transwoman, (male who identifies as a woman), alongside a group of girls in the women’s toilets. The sheet later goes on to describe the transwoman crying because the girls comment to each other ‘that’s a man. Why is he in here?’ The transwoman then goes into the men's toilets where men bang on the door and shout insults. The students should conclude from this example, according to the CPS guidance that both the men and the girls could be charged with public order offences - the men for their genuinely hateful violent and threatening behaviour, and the girls for correctly sexing and questioning the presence of a male in the women's toilets.
There is no concern given to the girls feeling uncomfortable or unsafe when confronted by a male in a space they expect to be female-only.
The claimant had this to say,
"Girls should not have to stay silent when they are uncomfortable with males in their toilets. This is supposed to be anti-bullying guidance but I feel intimidated that I would have to stay silent. That's not anti-bullying; not for girls."
"It's not bullying to stand up for your rights. I have a right to a female only space where I feel comfortable changing my period things without being worried about judgement. I actually feel bullied by being told I am breaking the law by saying no."
These two examples represent a safeguarding issue and the guidance seeks to increase the state’s reach into children's spaces outside school and encourages children to spy on – and report – each other.
The unquestioning acceptance of allegations based on a claimant’s subjective perception assumes that the accused is guilty by default, even if the allegation is untrue. A person is guilty simply because they were accused.
The CPS must heed Mr Justice Knowles’ statement, in Miller v College of Policing and Chief Constable of Humberside where he said that there is no right not to be offended and that in this country we do not have the Stasi or Gestapo reporting on every perceived transgression.
Schools must not be allowed to facilitate the intimidation and criminalisation of children for protecting their own boundaries and stating simple biological facts.
Please help Safe Schools Alliance and Fair Cop support this teenage girl and safeguard all children in schools.
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Safe Schools Alliance UK
Feb. 9, 2021
Judicial Review Decision
Apologies for the delay in updating you on this case. We were waiting to see if the claimant was going to appeal the decision. On the advice of her legal team, she has decided not to appeal so we will be closing this Crowdfunder after we have updated all our backers.
Update from 12th January: Guidance withdrawn
On the 12th January we were very pleased to learn that the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) had permanently withdrawn its LGBT+ Bullying and Hate Crime Guidance for Schools. We had very serious concerns about the impact of this hate crime guidance on girls’ ability to stand up for their rights in schools. We are delighted that it will not be re-issued.
At a hearing in January a judge considered the application for a judicial review of the participation of the Crown Prosecution Service in Stonewall’s ‘Diversity Champions’ programme. This application was based on the stated intention of the CPS to review and re-issue their LGBT+ Bullying and Hate Crime Guidance for Schools, which they had withdrawn after a teenage girl challenged it on the grounds of safety and freedom of speech. The teenager felt that they would not be able to review it fairly while Stonewall was embedded in the service.
The counsel for the defence announced during the hearing that the CPS’ Hate Crime Schools Guidance had now been permanently withdrawn and there were no plans to reissue. This is a relief for the teenage claimant. However we are disappointed that the CPS chose not to inform the claimant of the permanent withdrawal of the Hate Crime Schools Guidance prior to the hearing. This decision wasted a lot of everyone’s time.
The judge decided that the judicial review should not go ahead. It is disappointing that he seems to have accepted that being a member of Stonewall’s ‘Diversity Champions’ scheme is merely a matter of employee rights. He has not acknowledged that in fact their influence goes much wider than this. After much consideration and on the advice of her legal team however, the claimant will not be launching an appeal.
We are very concerned by the lack of transparency in the relationship between the CPS and Stonewall, both regarding the development of the Hate Crime Schools Guidance and also in other matters of policy and guidance. Further, we are disgusted at the CPS’s attempt to depart from normal practice and seek damages against a 15 year old girl. We believe this is intended to have a silencing attempt on others seeking to oppose Stonewall’s anti-women and anti-safeguarding ideology.
Justice Cavanagh refused to award costs for today and we thank him for acknowledging that Stonewall’s ideology is at odds with the views of many women’s rights groups and lesbians.
We will continue to oppose any schools’ guidance that undermines the safeguarding and inclusion of ALL children and thank everybody who has supported both this teenage girl and our work on prioritising the safety of children.
We will continue to campaign for safeguarding and the correct interpretation of the Equality Act.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to this crowdfunder, whilst the Judicial Review was not granted, the Hate Crimes pack has been permanently withdrawn.

Safe Schools Alliance UK
Jan. 5, 2021
**Breaking News*** there is is a hearing on 12th Jan to secure Judicial Review
There is a hearing scheduled for 12th January to try and secure a judicial review of The Crown Prosecution Services membership of The Stonewall Diversity champions programme. The teenage girl claimant urgently needs funds and support in order to proceed.
Please share this crowdfunder and donate if you are able.
Thank you for your support.

Safe Schools Alliance UK
Sept. 6, 2020
CPS/Stonewall: Teenager applies for Judicial Review
As previously reported on 17th May 2020 Miss A, the teenage girl who is challenging the CPS over their membership of the Stonewall Champions Programme, has this week applied to the High Court for a Judicial Review.
Her case is being argued on the following grounds:
- There is an appearance of bias as a result of the CPS being a Stonewall Champion.
- Membership of the Stonewall Champions Scheme goes beyond the appearance of bias to render it institutionally biased.
The teenager in the case said: 'I do not believe the CPS can be fair as they are listening to Stonewall who are misrepresenting what the law says. I do not trust them to focus on the safety, privacy and dignity of girls, or to balance the rights of all young people in schools.'
This case is likely to have huge implications for other public bodies and government departments who are members of the Stonewall Champions Programme.

Safe Schools Alliance UK
May 17, 2020
Teenager demands that the CPS withdraw from the Stonewall ‘Diversity Champions’
Thank you so much for all your donations. We realised we haven't updated this page or emailed our supporters in a while. We do apologise.
On the 30th April, following a pre action letter, the CPS withdrew their guidance in order to review it:
However, the teenage claimant said whilst she was grateful the guidance had been withdrawn, she has no confidence the CPS review can be impartial whilst they are aligned to Stonewall.
She has now taken the case one step further and demanded that the CPS withdraw from the Stonewall Champions programme or she will proceed to Judicial Review on the basis she has no confidence the CPS will be able to adequately address her concerns without significant bias. More information here
Please continue to share this Crowdfunder and support this girl.
SSAUK commented: 'We share the concerns of Miss A with regards to the CPS’s ability to remain impartial in their review of the LGBT+ Bullying and Hate Crime Guidance. Any guidance, document or policy to be used by Schools, or any other organisation that deals with under 18’s must have Child Safeguarding at its heart. It must be written by people who were recruited using robust Safer Recruitment processes and have undergone safeguarding training. All policies must be legally compliant and free of political ideology. This regulatory capture, where Stonewall’s erroneous interpretation of the law is taken as gospel, cannot be allowed to continue. We look forward to continuing to support Miss A and once again commend her bravery.'
Fair Cop said: 'Stonewall is a political lobby group whose interests coincide with the guidance as it stands. This being the case, the collaboration between the CPS and Stonewall must cease, and be seen to cease, in order to fulfil the public duty of impartiality and to uphold the long- standing independence of law. The partnership between the CPS and Stonewall has a chilling effect upon free speech and damages public confidence in the State’s prosecuting authority.'
The teenager in the case said: 'I do not believe the CPS can be fair as they are listening to Stonewall who are misrepresenting what the law says about my rights to female only spaces. I do not trust them to focus on the safety, privacy and dignity of girls, or to balance the rights of all young people in schools.'
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