Gender critical lesbian discriminated against by local authority
Gender critical lesbian discriminated against by local authority

Latest: Aug. 1, 2024
Cambridgeshire County Council surenders!
I am a social worker, and a lesbian who believes that sex is real, and matters. Sex matters particularly to me as a woman who is exclusively sexually attracted to women. I do not believe that men can literally become women.
When I sought to participate in meetings of a workplace LGBTQIA group and expressed my “gender critical” belief, I was subjected to a group complaint by colleagues followed by a disciplinary process resulting in formal “management action” designed to silence me. I was also excluded from the network. The whole process was intensely stressful and humiliating for me. It left me feeling that my colleagues and my employer regarded me as a bigot who could only be tolerated in the workplace if I was forced to keep my beliefs to myself even when they were relevant.
I am aware of colleagues that share my view but are too afraid to speak out.
This kind of silencing and bullying is happening in local authorities, schools, colleges, universities, NHS trusts etc, up and down the country. A false consensus is imposed through a climate of fear. This has serious consequences for the way professionals like social workers, clinicians, teachers and others do their jobs - and serious consequences for the safeguarding of some of the most vulnerable in society.
It needs to stop. Will you help me to stop it?
I’m suing my employer, Cambridgeshire County Council (CCC), in the employment tribunal for harassment and discrimination. Employers won’t learn that this kind of behaviour is unacceptable unless they can see other employers being found liable by a tribunal and having to pay compensation. If you donate money to help me run this case, I understand that you’re doing so much more for the sake of that public example than to help me personally. I promise to give that fact full weight in any decision I make about settlement, and I promise I won’t settle on confidential terms unless I truly feel I have no alternative.
I am initially raising funds for legal representation for the Preliminary Hearing. The target for this stage of proceedings is £17,500.
I have a great legal team!
My Solicitor Liz McGlone, Partner at Didlaw, who specialises in Employment Law.
My Barrister Naomi Cunningham, Outer Temple Chambers, who specialises in Employment and Discrimination law
Please donate, if you can, and please circulate widely.
Your support would be greatly appreciated.
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Lizzy Pitt
Aug. 1, 2024
Cambridgeshire County Council surenders!

Lizzy Pitt
July 28, 2024
Employment Tribunal begins tomorrow Monday 29th July!
Hello everybody, again I thank you with much gratitude, together we have raised my target with 1000's of folk contributing. There have been amazing messages left in the funder, keeping me as positive as I can be ❤️
I had a hope of returning to work, naive perhaps, though positive and hopeful. However, on the 4th July I gave notice, as my grievance against the CCC grievance against me took over 7 months to complete and was not upheld in any way.
Continuing to be labelled transphobic and silenced, for a lesbian social worker who has a regulatory body, and who works with the Equality Act in a meaningful and inclusive way has made it impossible for me to return. I am devastated by this although continue to think I have done the right thing. This fight is for all of us.
So, tomorrow Court begins, I hold great store in my excellent legal team, though know it is the Law that will decide.
I will keep you all posted and thank you so very much. Lizzy,

Lizzy Pitt
June 27, 2024
Continuing with the final push!
Hello, I continue to thank you all for your amazing support, it really means so much.
My excellent, brilliant legal team of Liz McGlone - Didlaw, and Naomi Cunningham - Outer Temple Chambers are working very hard behind the scenes, there has been more work to do which means I have had to increase my target.
The process is a difficult one, however I continue to know that I have chosen the right path. It is so important to stop our statutory bodies discriminating on gender critical/sex realist grounds. And as a lesbian I am same sex attracted, I really do not believe I am 'transphobic' for saying so.
Being harrassed and silenced has been very hard and not something any of us should have to accept from our statutory bodies.
I am hopeful for a positive outcome, as I would be, although recognise there is a long way to go.
Court begins 4 weeks on monday so its serious countdown time now.
Please support my crowdfunder if you are able, and share widely with your networks. Thank you, Lizzy

Lizzy Pitt
June 1, 2024
The final push!! ..... Court date29th July to 2nd August
Hello everybody, and again thank you for all the support you have given to me, I cannot tell you how much I appreciate it.
The case is listed for 29th July to 2nd August in Cambridge, so very soon.
My legal team is my solicitor Elizabeth McGlone and my Barrister Naomi Cunningham, they have been working very hard, and very skillfully behind the scenes, preparations are going well.
You will understand that I am limited with what I can share, as soon as I can I will, and think you will be as shocked as I am about what has been said!
So here goes again with the last push before Court, as I still have funds to raise before I get to Court. It's taken a while to post this update as I find it so difficult to keep asking, but I must.
This case is important for Social Work and social workers who work within a legal framework and have a responsibility to ask questions and seek information.
It is also wider than Social Work, it will be important for all public servants and citizens in receipt of public services. I know the debate right now is how many cases? How many times?. We will have to keep bringing these cases until the employers listen.
Again, if you donate to help me run this case, I recognise that you do so much more for the public example than to help me personally. I promise to give that fact full weight in any decision I make about settlement, and I promise I won't on confidential terms unless I truly feel that I have no alternative.
Please help me make Cambridgeshire County Council listen, and once they have councils through the land will have to do so too.
If you can contribute or share widely I would be very grateful.
Thank you again for all your support and good wishes which help me to keep going.

Lizzy Pitt
March 17, 2024
We now have a Court date!
Firstly I'd like to thank you all again for the support you have given to the case and therefore to me. It has been agreed that the case will go forward, this is excellent news!
The final hearing is set up for five days from the 29th July- 2nd August this year and will be in Cambridge.
I now have to return to the Crowd Funder and continue to ask for support, I find this difficult although know its importance.
Please could I ask that you contribute if you can-I know this is a big ask, and please if you can share as widely as you can I would be very grateful.
I'm so thankful for the cases that have gone before mine and know that we must keep fighting.
What should lawfully give us protections: the seminal Forstater v CGD has yet to become understood and embedded by many employers. My intention is that this case will further the understanding of the law and hopefully mean that fewer people will be harrassed and discriminated against in the workplace - the purpose of this case.
Thank you again for any support you are able to offer.

Lizzy Pitt
Feb. 26, 2024
We now have a preliminary Court date!
Hello everybody, firstly I'd like to thank you all again for the amazing support you have given!
It's coming up to 5 months! which is a long time to wait for a preliminary hearing date. However the date has been confirmed and the case is listed for the 8th March 2024. The purpose of the preliminary hearing is to identify the legal and factual issues the tribunal will be asked to decide. To list the case for hearing, if appropriate, and to make any further case management orders if needed going forward.
I will update as soon as I have further information and once again I thank you all for your support.

Lizzy Pitt
Nov. 3, 2023
We now have the funds to support me through the preliminary hearing- thank you!
Firstly, I'd like to thank everybody so much for your support, the fund has met and exceeded its first target because of the fantastic response from you all! I am truly grateful.
We now have the funds to support me through a Preliminary Hearing as and when it is listed. The claim has just been accepted and we now await the response from the Council. I will update you when we have a date for the Preliminary Hearing.
I see this case as another example of where employees working in the public sector are being silenced to such an extent that it impacts our work, compromises our professionalism and in contravention of the protections afforded under the Equality Act 2010. I feel I have no other choice but to pursue this claim to shine a light on the treatment that public sector workers face in relation to the protection of their beliefs and also sexual orientation.
I would be so grateful if you could continue to donate and share where you are able, and that you do so in the context of the case being for the benefit of all workers and especially those in the public sector.
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