Help to bring families back together
Help to bring families back together

Latest: Jan. 17, 2024
The Rwanda scheme rolls on while families wait for decisions
Over the last week, the UK government has been continuing to tear itself apart over its shameful Rwanda scheme.
Much of the coverage focuses on the egos, political drama, and the distant possibi…
Read moreOver the next few weeks, a lot of us will get together with our loved ones.
But for many who have fled conflict and violence at home, this won’t be possible. In the chaos of fleeing for your life and the long journeys that follow, families and communities are torn apart.
Families torn apart
Through our work, we’ve documented the barriers that people seeking family reunion in the UK face.
Instead of looking for solutions to these problems, the UK government has indicated its planning to go the other way, limiting family visas for spouses to those earning over £38,700 a year.
A family life is usually seen as a fundamental human. In the UK this now comes with caveats. Love is a luxury preserved for the wealthy.
Bringing families back together
Bringing families back together is core to what we do, in the UK and in Europe. We have specialist legal casework teams who:
Reunite refugees in the UK with their loved ones
Help reunite families torn apart by the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan
Help families to gain asylum and find the stability to build their new lives in Greece
“Our lawyer, along with her team, appeared like angels in our lifes at a point where we were not expecting anything. They did more than the best they could for us and we are grateful for that.”
In the face of these challenges, we’ll keep fighting alongside families in 2024. But we need your help.
We need to raise £5,000 to continue this work. Every gift makes a difference:
£30 could pay for us to answer a family who needs our help
£50 could help us to visit a refugee camp in Greece to provide legal information to families
£100 could help us to prepare somebody for their asylum interview
There’s often no one else to provide this support. If we aren’t there, people will be left without essential legal support.
Amina’s story: a family reunited
“I feel alive every time I see my family back together in front of my eyes and that I am with my daughter after a long time.”
Amina was separated from her family in the chaos that followed the Taliban’s takeover in Afghanistan and the UK’s botched withdrawal.
She was only a child, but managed to reach the UK.
However, she was all alone. Starting again in a strange new country is tough for anyone. As a child alone worrying for her family’s safety, things were extra tough for Amina.
The rest of her family was still stuck in Afghanistan and in serious danger. Their worst fears were realised when one of them was captured by the Taliban.
Unfortunately, this isn’t unusual. It’s why we provide support to bring families back together and help people to escape this danger.
A challenging case
We have a project dedicated to supporting people from Afghanistan. This project is run in partnership with Safe Passage International and a group of law firms.
Our expert legal team worked with the family throughout the case. We advised them on their rights, gathered the evidence they needed and made the submissions to the authorities.
This case was fraught with challenges - it fell outside of the usual rules, meaning it was extra complicated legally - but also because the family were in hiding with no internet access. We struggled to communicate with them throughout the case as we tried to take their statements.
Barriers to reunification
This case illustrates the needless barriers that the UK government puts in people’s way.
The family were in hiding but were forced to travel to Pakistan to submit their biometric data (fingerprints, etc.). Even in Pakistan they were at risk as they only had temporary visas and could have been deported if found.
Joy at the airport
In the last few weeks, we were delighted to learn that the case was successful. Amina would finally be reunited with her family.
They sent us photos of the moment they got back together at the airport. They powerfully demonstrate what it means for Amina’s family to be back together.
They’re still in touch with the team and keep sending through photos and messages of thanks.
“It still looks like a dream to me. Most of the time, I think that the world can be this cruel, that meeting your own daughter would seem like a dream come true.”
How you can help
We’re only able to provide this support because of the help of our friends and supporters. That’s why we’ve launched this campaign.
If you can, please support our campaign so we can help more families to finally reach safety and fight back against cruel policies.
Thank you,
Nick and the RLS team
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Refugee Legal Support (RLS)
Jan. 17, 2024
The Rwanda scheme rolls on while families wait for decisions
Over the last week, the UK government has been continuing to tear itself apart over its shameful Rwanda scheme.
Much of the coverage focuses on the egos, political drama, and the distant possibility that the scheme would ever be workable.
In all of this, the cruelty and the fact that it seriously undermines the right to asylum could get lost. Over the last week, Rwandans who have been granted asylum in the UK have been reiterating what the UK’s Supreme Court has already confirmed - that Rwanda is not a safe country.
Despite this, ever more money and time is being wasted on this gimmick while our families wait years to be reunited.
Family reunion is one of the few safe, legal routes for people coming to the UK. Our team will continue to fight alongside people who need our support to reach safety and be reunited with loved ones.

Refugee Legal Support (RLS)
Dec. 20, 2023
"I managed to save my daughters" - Fariba's story
When I met Fariba to discuss her story, I promised her that we’d make it clear that she used to have a good life in Iran. “People don’t believe me when I tell them that”, she says.
Fariba is from Tehran, where she lived with her husband and their three children. “I have lots of good memories.” “When I talk to my brother, we still laugh as we remember”.
She wants us to understand that people don’t leave home unless they have to. She had to flee to protect her young daughters.
“When people leave, they don’t have a choice.”
Her story is an example of the lengths that people have to go and the resilience that’s required to protect their families. It also emphasises the importance of finding high quality legal support, something that’s not available to so many families who need it.
You can read her story below.
To keep working with Fariba and her family and to make sure that other families can find the protection they need, we need to reach our target.
If you can help with a gift this Christmas, you can donate here.
*names changed
Fariba’s story
When Fariba’s eldest daughter turned 10, her father-in-law decided it was time for her to marry a 20-year-old man. She was still in primary school.
No parent could want this for their child. But her father-in-law had a lot of influence over her husband. “It was like having a dictator in the family”. Child marriage isn’t banned in Iran, so there was no protection available there.
“We had to leave”
Planning an escape
To save her daughters, Fariba started to plan her escape with her brother and her father. She managed to leave with her children and they found themselves in Serbia.
They would walk all the way from Serbia to Greece.
The journey
This is an incredibly difficult journey, full of danger and risks. As a mother with three young daughters, they were very vulnerable.
One evening, as they were staying in the woods in North Macedonia, a man came and told her to come with her to buy things for the children. But he took her to a house where another man was waiting and sexually abused Fariba.
“I was suicidal after that. But the thing that kept me going was my children. I would look at my children and know that they were the reason that I left”.
Her daughters could see she was upset that night. She told her eldest daughter what happened years later, when she felt she was old enough to understand.
In Greece
In Greece, the family faced “other, new difficulties.”
After being cheated by an agent that her brother had arranged, Fariba and her daughters were forced to sleep in a park with a group of others in a similar situation. They spent three weeks there without finding anybody who spoke their language. “This was the worst time of my life”.
They managed to get by thanks to the kindness of a security guard at a local supermarket. He let them use the shop’s bathroom and also gave them food when he could.
Finally, she met an Iranian. “I was so happy to find someone speaking the same language”. He said he’d help, and took her to a squat where they could have some shelter and basic necessities.
A long, long process
The process of applying for asylum in Greece is a complicated one full of barriers. At the time when Fariba was first trying to apply, she had to follow an absurd system that involved contacting the authorities via Skype. They would never get through, no matter how many times they tried.
Fariba has been in Athens for years now. A good lawyer is vital in her situation, but she received bad advice and her previous lawyers weren’t always as persistent as they needed to be. One lawyer even submitted wrong information to the authorities.
It’s clear to us that she has a good case for asylum, but her claim was rejected multiple times before she started working with RLS.
This means that she was being forced to live without any documentation. She couldn’t work legally and they had to avoid the police, who could pick them up and put them in detention. Even the children were at risk of being detained in awful conditions.
“I was in a bad state. A bad state.”
She tells us that she’d lost hope when she first met our team. But Artemis, one of our lawyers, told her that she won’t give up, we’ll keep fighting for as long as it takes.
When we first left the court with Fariba after a hearing, she was overcome with emotion and started crying. “I was so grateful. I’d never had someone fight for us the way Artemis did.”
“I’ve had lawyers before, but they can’t compare. It’s a miracle for me, she gave me hope.”
What’s next
Due to the work of previous lawyers and incompetence of the authorities - who didn’t even look at a key document on her last application - Fariba’s case is a mess. It could take years.
We’ve now managed to help Fariba get back into the asylum process. To achieve this, we had to submit what’s called an annulment application against the previous decisions. This involved an appearance in court.
Even following this, we had to threaten a lawsuit to get their asylum cards due to the Asylum Service’s reluctance to follow the court order.
This card provides some security and means she can work and the children can go to school.
Her case shows how important it is to have someone by your side. Even the most basic requests can be a challenge.
We’ll keep fighting alongside Fariba and her daughters until they find the safety they need.
Hope for the future
She’s now looking to the future. Her children have missed a lot of school but have big ambitions.
Her eldest daughter wants to go on to become a dentist.
Fariba still thinks about what she left to make this change, “family, your country, your life. You lose respect. It’s not easy. Maybe it’s a mistake for myself, but it’s worth it because of my children.”
Asked what she thinks looking back at the last few years of her life, Fariba again demonstrates her resilience:
“We learnt a lot. How to be patient, grateful for everything we have. Our life is not perfect, but we’ve learnt to be grateful, patient and human. And being hopeful. We’re thankful for the things we have. I managed to save my children.”
You can help
We’ll keep working with Fariba for as long as she needs us, but we need your help to do so.
To keep providing our free, expert legal support, we need to meet our fundraising target.
If you can donate this Christmas, please do. When £30 can be enough to answer someone who needs help, every donation helps.
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