The Legal Battle continues for Marriage Equality - Please Help!
The Legal Battle continues for Marriage Equality - Please Help!

Latest: Dec. 13, 2018
The Fight is not over...
Calling it a “cynical bigoted hypocritical attack on the rights and freedoms of others,” activist Tony Bran…
Read moreThe world is watching the fight for Marriage Equality in Bermuda
2 Supreme Court battles have been won but the war for equality continues.
It is despicable that the Bermuda Government introduced legislation called Domestic Partnerships that "de facto" reversed Same Sex Marriage. In essence, Bermuda legislated discrimination.
Bermuda is the ONLY country to legalize Same-sex Marriage (via the courts, who protect the rights of minorities) - only to have a new government reverse Marriage Equality.
NEXT COURT BATTLE - November 7th 8th & 9th
In the next round of the legal fight, the Government of Bermuda have hired Queens Counsel James Guthrie to support their position that same sex marriage should be banned. The Taxpayers "Piggy Bank" will fund the politicians attack on equality, estimated to cost $ 400,000.
The governments application to the Court of Appeal clearly states “The Court was wrong to interfere (in ruling the Domestic Partnership Act was unconstitutional) and the CJ’s judgment should be set aside".
The legal proceedings in Bermuda may be about marriage equality but in essence they are more significant than that. This is a struggle for a human rights issue that is the same as any other human rights issue related to race, religious freedom, sexual equality or place of origin.
There can be no “cherry picking” when it comes to Human Rights equality.
Please support this monumental case and take a stand for Justice and Equality everywhere, The World Is Watching!
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Same Love Bermuda
Dec. 13, 2018
The Fight is not over...
Calling it a “cynical bigoted hypocritical attack on the rights and freedoms of others,” activist Tony Brannon said “we have won three court cases and still the Government want to continue the denial of equality.
Saying they “must be sore that they lost in the Court of Appeal,” Mr Brannon said “the people of Bermuda are sore that education is in a mess amidst a myriad of other issues in Bermuda. Further waste of taxpayer dollars is obscene and repugnant. ”
We will be launching an appeal for funding to the PRIVY COUNCIL
Thanks for all your support to date.
#government #rights #education #lgbtq #samesexmarriage #humanrights #equality

Same Love Bermuda
Nov. 25, 2018
Same Sex Marriage is legal in Bermuda - again xx
#BERMUDA - VICTORY FOR #HumanRights #Equality
Same-sex marriage became legal again yesterday after a landmark ruling by the Court of Appeal.
The court dismissed the Government’s claim that former Chief Justice Ian Kawaley was wrong to strike down sections of the Domestic Partnership Act, which was passed to replace same-sex marriage with a civil partnership arrangement.
The packed courtroom erupted with loud cheers as Sir Scott Baker, president of the Court of Appeal, announced the decision.
They broke into cheers again half an hour later when the court refused to delay the effect of its judgment.

Same Love Bermuda
Nov. 6, 2018
#Bermuda - We go to court tomorrow to fight for #Equality
#Bermuda #World
We really need your support
We do not have a #taxpayer #piggybank like the The Government of Bermuda - who are spending YOUR $,$$$,$$$ to #discriminate against #gay people wanting to #marry
PLEASE SHARE #friends #HumanRights #LGBTQ

Same Love Bermuda
Nov. 3, 2018
#Bermuda grants work permit to #HumanRights #Lawyer
BERMUDA spends $ 400k on a British human rights lawyer in their attempt to overturn Same-sex marriage.
Please share far & wide. Our legal team have already won two cases against the Bermuda government.
This fight for #Equality is getting expensive. We do not have a #taxpayers piggy bank. The Court of Appeal case starts November 7th.
Bermuda is the only country in the world to have allowed same-sex marriage then banned it - twice!
The Domestic Partnership Act reversed a Supreme Court ruling from May 2017, which had paved the way for gay couples to marry in Bermuda and on island-registered ships around the world.
But Mr Justice Kawaley ruled the legislation was at odds with the Constitution, which protects the right to freedom of conscience and outlaws discrimination on the basis of creed.

Same Love Bermuda
Oct. 31, 2018
Lawyer Mark Pettingill - COURT of APEAL Nov 7th 8th 9th 2018
#lawyer Mark Pettingill will be representing his client Roderick Ferguson in the the #Bermuda Court of Appeal in 7 days......
Unlike the Bermuda Government, we do not have a #taxpayer piggy bank. The Government, in their dogged attempt to deny Same Sex Marriage a 3rd time, have hired a British QC, James Guthrie from 3 Hare Court, in their attempt to peruade a panel of 3 judges (Court of Appeal) that Chief Justice Ian Kawaley's decision that the Bermuda Government violated the constitiution BE OVERTURNED.
Imagine hiring a Human Rights lawyer to deny #HumanRights. It doesn't get anymore sinister or despicable.
Mark has matintained from DAY 1 that Same Sex Marriage could not be denied to any gay person.
He successfully argued and won, along with the rest of the legal team, twice in the Supreme Court of Bermuda. Next week he will hopefully WIN again.
Former Premier Sir John Swan says, Same-sex Marriage is the WAY TO GO
WHY is Bermuda spending $400k of Taxpayers money "Oppressing People"....

Same Love Bermuda
Oct. 30, 2018
We are only 7 days away from the Court of Appeal
Please share this appeal with #friends.
The Bermuda Government are attempting to deny Same-Sex Marriage for a third time.
They are raiding the #taxpayers piggy bank to the tune of 400k to fund a UK QC, a Human Rights lawyer no less, in their attempt to overturn a Supreme Court ruling that said in essence that the Bermuda Government had violated the Bermuda Constitution.
We MUST win a 3rd time and hope the government finally accepts that #Love #Equality & #HumanRights cannot be excluded to ANYONE !
Mark Pettingill is once again leading the legal fight against the government
Our TV / SOCIAL MEDIA Campaign

Same Love Bermuda
Oct. 24, 2018
THANK YOU - we reached the initial target
Thanks to everyone who helped us reached the initial target
We can now extend the target and timelines to reach the next goal of 45,000 pounds.
Remember this:
The Bermuda Government are spending over 300,000 pounds of Bermudian taxpayers money to pay for a British QC in their attempt to deny Same Sex Marriage for a third time. The Court of Appeal case commences on November 7th.
We are fighting for #Equality and #HumanRights a 3rd time
MARRIAGE EQUALITY VIDEO features #Bermuda #lawyer Mark Pettingill, Trevor Noah It's That Type of Party, Rev Delman Coates

Same Love Bermuda
Oct. 24, 2018
We URGENTLY need your help to reach target
We have reduced the target from 10,000 pounds to 5000 pounds.
We only have TWO days left to reach the target.
We have raised 3,985 pounds are we are short of the reduced target by 1,015 pounds.
Can you help us make the initial target and also reach out to friends ?
If we do not reach the 5000 pounds by FRIDAY, this appeal will fail to reach the initial target and none of the donations will be charged out on the donors credit cards.
Once the initial target of 5000 pounds is reached we can extend the target and the timing and even extend further if needed.
The Court of Appeal case is only two weeks away and starts on November 7th.

Same Love Bermuda
Oct. 21, 2018
#Equality is at stake in #Bermuda and everywhere....
#Bermuda Court of Appeal - November 7th 8th & 9th
OCT 21, 2018 —
Bermuda has legalized Same Sex Marriage Twice.
The Bermuda Government have trampled on #Equality and #Human Rights for the #LGBTQ community on more than one occasion
The Government are raiding the "Taxpayers Piggy Bank" to fund a UK QC, James Guthrie, in their desperate 3rd attempt to deny Marriage Equality. The Bermuda Government has spent to date well over half a million dollars on 2 court cases and now are spending nearly HALF a MILLION dollars of taxpayers money on the upcoming Court of Appeal challenge.
Will you help us reach our initial target -10,000 pounds?
This case is so vitally important not only for Bermuda but for many other countries battling dinosaur governments who deny equality for same-sex couples.
Please feel free to use these YouTube links in emails, on websites or social media channels.
- Marriage Equality Bermuda - Equality in Bermuda - featuring Sir John Swan and Maryellen Jackson - Bermuda legalized same-sex marriage twice - featuring PBS news, The Daily Show, Trevor Noah, Mark Pettingill, It's That Type of Party, Jeff Sousa - Change Your Mind

Same Love Bermuda
Oct. 18, 2018
We urgently need your support as the case is just 2 weeks away.
Bermudians won two Supreme Court cases against the Bermuda Government in 2017 and 2018.
The last court victory was a constitutional one whereby the Chief Justice ruled the government had violated the Bermuda Constitution with legislation called Domestic Partnerships. (More equal than before, but still less equal)
The Bermuda Government are appealing to the Court of Appeal in their quest to deny Marriage Equality again!
We have won Marriage Equality twice in the courts. Now we fight a 3rd time against a government hell-bent on denying a minority equality.
Please DONATE today and tell your #FRIENDS
#HumanRights #Equality #Diversity #Love
Visit our website for all the latest updates

Same Love Bermuda
Oct. 12, 2018
Please help our fight for justice in Bermuda
Hi there,
Thank you so much for your pledge. I now only have 15 days left to raise the remaining target of my case, and I can't do it without your help!
It would be amazing if you could:
- Send this email to anyone you think might support my/our case, and
- Share our link on Facebook:
case/bermudacourtofappeal/ .
Best wishes,
In the words of John McEnroe "YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS"
The Bermuda Government hired a British QC #HumanRights #Lawyer in order to uphold their attack on Same Sex Marriage in the Court of Appeal.
Read this #twitter thread:

Same Love Bermuda
Oct. 2, 2018
Please ask your friends and colleagues to support this court case. The cost to #Bermuda taxpayers is enormous. The politicians are funding this discrimination from the taxpayers piggy bank.
Bermuda Government hire a #HumanRights lawyer to deny #Equality - Shameful
Former Bermuda MP and Human Rights Activist Renee Webb
Lawyers urge Bermuda Premier to drop the Court of Appeal challenge
#DropTheCase #LoveWins #HumanRights #LGBTQIA
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