Access to rights for migrant communities at the FR-UK border

by Johanès SI MOHAND

Access to rights for migrant communities at the FR-UK border

by Johanès SI MOHAND
Case Owner
Vents Contraires supports migrants in Caen and Ouistreham with access to hygiene and digital connectivity, as well as engaging in advocacy to ensure a dignified welcome for everyone.
on 14th June 2024
pledged of £2,500 target from 5 pledges
Case Owner
Vents Contraires supports migrants in Caen and Ouistreham with access to hygiene and digital connectivity, as well as engaging in advocacy to ensure a dignified welcome for everyone.

I am Johanès, co-founder of the grassroots NGO Vents Contraires. Together with our team, we have been supporting a displaced community from Sudan who are desperately trying to reach the UK through an irregular route.

They currently survive in an informal settlement in Ouistreham, with no access to basic human rights. A lawsuit in 2023 allowed us to force the state to set up sanitation facilities. But that is not enough!

We want to ensure that access to asylum, housing, and healthcare are guaranteed. These are fundamental human rights, and it's essential that the people living in this informal camp have the same access to their basic rights.

At the end of May, we will introduce an emergency request to the Administrative Court in Caen, Normandy.

We are asking state authorities to organise access health provision on the living site. We are also requesting that they set up outreach services to go on site and provide information about asylum, housing, and protection for minors. Those teams will be accompanied by Arabic translators, and responsible for driving people to local institutions in Caen, 20 minutes away from camp.

We believe that is essential that the state authorities provide this sustained support : simply responding from time to time in situations considered to be "emergencies" is not always enough, as it takes time to build up trust. 

We are raising £2,000 to pay for the legal proceedings. We cannot fight on our own, and we will need to pay a lawyer to work on the case and follow up on the case.

We are also at risk of having to pay a legal penalty to the administration if the judge considers our request is illegitimate.

Our organisation's budget is fully dedicated to financing our weekly distributions of hygiene items and phone equipment; we do not have provision for legal fees, which is why we are asking for our help!

Accessing information is essential to access basic human rights. We ask the state to take their responsibility and make sure that those who have fled conflict in their home country are made aware of existing social support structures here!

In the last week of May, we will introduce our case in court and send documentation to the judge. Because we are triggering an emergency procedure, a hearing will take place 2 to 3 days after the request is being registered, meaning we should have a response by the beginning of June.

Thanks to all of those who can support us!

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