Abdul Wahid Shaida needs your help

by Abdul Wahid Shaida

Abdul Wahid Shaida needs your help

by Abdul Wahid Shaida
Abdul Wahid Shaida
Case Owner
I’ve been a GP for over 25-years and need help to deal with an investigation and suspension by NHS England regarding matters unrelated to my professional work.
on 22nd May 2024
pledged of £60,000 stretch target from 578 pledges
Abdul Wahid Shaida
Case Owner
I’ve been a GP for over 25-years and need help to deal with an investigation and suspension by NHS England regarding matters unrelated to my professional work.

About Me: I am Dr Wahid Shaida - known to many as Abdul Wahid - a family man, a community man, a GP for over 25-years - and active politically outside of work.

About the Case: I need legal assistance to deal with an investigation and suspension by NHS England, in matters unrelated to my professional work.

In October 2023, pro-Israel media, activists and politicians started demanding that I be struck-off for my political activity, all expressed lawfully and outside of the work setting. This initially led to an investigation by NHSE, but the suspension came after a political affiliation which had previously been lawful, was suddenly made unlawful. You can read about this here: https://5pillarsuk.com/2024/01/23/abdul-wahid-suspended-from-job-as-doctor-after-hizb-ut-tahrir-proscription/ 

My Concerns: The case has become potentially more complex due to the intervention of politicians in the matter. https://www.jewishnews.co.uk/health-secretary-tells-doctors-regulator-to-act-now-over-extremist-doctors/ 

As the process has proceeded, it has become increasingly clear that my beliefs are under scrutiny.

Wider Public Interest: Whilst my case is unique, it may have a wider public interest for healthcare professionals and other regulated individuals such as solicitors, barristers and bankers, among others.

The political and religious beliefs of Muslim professionals have come under immense scrutiny - even when lawfully expressed outside of the professional setting - particularly around polarising events in the Middle East - with social media activity of doctors being complained about.

There clearly is disparity in treatment. Those who express pro-Palestine views have found that their political opponents target their jobs - whereas those who support the killing of people in Gaza face no equivalent scrutiny or threat to their jobs. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/05/09/dozens-doctors-reported-alleged-anti-semitic-conduct-gmc-60/ Those that express their genuinely held beliefs should not be sanctioned.

Unfortunately, there is a growing body of evidence suggesting that legitimate expression that challenges a particular viewpoint is being curtailed. The legitimate speech of those speaking about the violation of the rights of Palestinians should not be silenced. Moreover, applying retrospective judgments on a person after the law has changed is unjust.

Costs? How much the whole process will eventually cost will depend on how long the matter takes to resolve and other factors. 

Donations will go directly from the donor to my lawyers - none of the money will come to me. 

If the money raised exceeds the needs for my case, I hope it will be used to support other professionals who find themselves in similar difficulties.

Any help or donations would be welcome and appreciated. Please feel free to forward this via your WhatsApp and email networks. Initially, I do NOT plan to share this on public platforms, but that might have to change. 

I sincerely appreciate the good will people have shown and any help that people can give. 

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