A voice for Conner
A voice for Conner
Latest: Jan. 31, 2017
A voice for Conner
Today, I have spoken with Baroness Newlove, Victim's Commissioner England & Wales.
We discussed our campaign and experience of the criminal justice system. She has pledged to write to all MPs…
Read moreWho are you ?
We are the parents of CONNER MARSHALL 18 years of age, who was viciously attacked and murdered in an unprovoked attack in Porthcawl in March 2015. Deeply upsetting is the knowledge that Braddon was known by authorities in addition to being supervised by Wales CRC/ Probation service under two separate orders for previous violence, alcohol and drug offences. This information was never disclosed to us his parents, before or during the court case.
Despite a guilty verdict and life sentence, with a minimum of twenty years to be served has been handed down to David Braddon, 27.The very real living nightmare is a daily battle that we didn't chose to be a part of. The loss of a child is unimaginable and unfair to all parents.
The devastation and result of a single heinous act has left a family bereft, in turmoil, and ruined. Our family has disintegrated beyond recognition. In a single act we have each been cheated of life, stability, memories and consistency. Our future is uncertain and unpredictable due the huge impact on our financial, emotional, physical health and well being.
What and why are you raising legal funds ?
It is our hope to raise sufficient funds to enable 'A voice for Conner ', by securing specific action against the Wales CRC/ Probation service. This can only be done with the help of a specialist barrister and solicitor to provide advice and advocacy to pursue potential court action.
We want documents and evidence to be examined in order that steps can be taken to prevent other families being denied the truth and access to all information recorded.
Requests for legal aid have been declined on the basis that we as a family do not meet the eligibility criteria set out by the board governed by the Ministry of Justice.
Too many families have been let down and are still without truthful explanations and information relating to the death of a loved one. Despite families raising questions, the current procedures are unreliable and inconsistent.
We as parents have always insisted and made the very clear point that we would wish to have access to all known information in order to understand how a known criminal with several convictions and allegations with increasing drug and violence use could ever be deemed as ''Low risk'' and be able to non conform or not follow any directions laid down by a court .
After continual refusals from all agencies, we created an online public petition for access to the SFO. Successfully gaining almost 3,000 signatures in a matter of days and as a result of many hours and months of discussions and meetings with various agencies we have now gained access to the Serious Further Offence Report, which contains detailed information of the trail of events relating to the alleged support of Braddon by probation services in the weeks and months prior to the murder of our son. Contents of the full report are inexcusable and deeply upsetting. Failure of internal procedures are deemed acceptable and unforeseeable.
To date no other family in the UK has ever secured access to this document. Instead families are not told of any such report, or offered a summary report with the explanation that the document contents are for internal learning opportunities and not be released to families. Currently families are still being refused and denied access to either report. Detailed information surrounding the death of their loved one is withheld or refused.
This fact alone in our opinion is both unjust and unfair.
Worryingly, for our family the original summary report bears little resemblance to the full SFO, many details are redacted or omitted from the summary. The contents of this full report is totally unacceptable and deeply offensive and concerning. Several areas of deficiency and weakness are highlighted.
What's next in the legal process?
We are now seeking accountability, recompense and reassurances of practice overhaul and change, for maximum learning, and future prevention. Multiple agencies were supposedly supervising Braddon, yet this is despite many areas of supervision being missed, absent or non existent.
Radio and television programmes are due to be aired within the coming weeks, giving further details of our continuing campaign to secure ''A voice for Conner''
It is our view that there were circumstances and events which should have put the professionals on alert and would have led to Conner still being alive today if things had been managed appropriately with sufficient information sharing.
Discussions' with senior executives at NOMS/Wales CRC, in addition to numerous meetings with various MOJ official's have been unsuccessful in obtaining accountability or clarity. Rather department passing blame and responsibility to other departments or providers.
Sunday, March 8th 2015 was supposed to be spent as a family, enjoying a traditional birthday roast lunch . We we're a busy, active, normal family of five. Sunday was our 'together' day. The opportunity to catch up with each other, to chat, to share our week. Sadly, this particular Sunday gave me, as mum the gift that no mother would ever want to receive.
The early morning call by police officers is the moment that time froze, that our world was catapulted into an abyss of pain, confusion and utter terror.
Our eldest son Conner, 18 had been brutally attacked from behind in an unprovoked attack. He had been robbed, beaten and stripped of all dignity and ultimately his life. Conner's body had received such a beating his numerous injuries were catastrophic and life ending. A tattoo on Conner's forearm read 'Life goes on'. Tragic and ironic that his life ended and yet he was able to donate organs to facilitate four other lives.
How and why could our son, brother, nephew, cousin, and grandson be left with such horrific injuries that were unable to be undone?
Unfairly and tragically the nightmare continued. Leaving the hospital without our son was incomprehensible, added to this we had the inevitable funeral, Police murder investigation and court case. Not to mention the unfamiliar, unrelenting journey of grief and trauma.
Please allow us the opportunity of gaining 'A voice for Conner'. Your support is vital and much appreciated.
Thank you, Diolch
Richard & Nadine Marshall
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Nadine Marshall
Jan. 31, 2017
A voice for Conner
Today, I have spoken with Baroness Newlove, Victim's Commissioner England & Wales.
We discussed our campaign and experience of the criminal justice system. She has pledged to write to all MPs re concerns relating to Wales CRC amongst other concerns. Further meetings with her are planned.

Nadine Marshall
Jan. 21, 2017
A voice for Conner
Hi everyone, Thank you for your continued support.
We have had a busy few months and are very pleased to be able to move forward with the help of your kind donations.
Our legal team has now made a formal request to the coroner for an Article 2 ECHR inquest. In addition we have written to the Prison & Probation Ombudsman to ask for an investigation, raising the many issues surrounding supervision of the offender.
The hope is to gain answers that the criminal trial didn't provide. More media work is planned and arranged to keep the campaign alive.
Additionally, with the help of some very dedicated and willing charities and MPs, we have also been privileged to have the opportunity to be involved with the introduction of a Victims Law in the UK- Their isn't one at present just guidelines on how victims should be treated etc.Have also made contact with several other families who are sadly in a similar position to ours, and they too are being denied information etc.
We're unsure how long it will take to achieve these points, but we do know that we are going to need to continue raising funds to help us fight.
Please keep sharing #AvoiceforConner on your social media pages, would love to get his beard trending and travelling far and wide!!

Nadine Marshall
Nov. 11, 2016
A voice for Conner
Eye on Wales, BBC Radio Wales. 12:30 GMT on Sunday 6 November

Nadine Marshall
Nov. 8, 2016
A voice for Conner
Following recent meetings and discussions #AvoiceforConner- Twelve parliamentary questions have been drafted on the conduct of Wales Private Probation on events prior to murder of Conner Marshall @Voice4Victims. MPs will raise these questions in the coming weeks. Solicitors have been approached and are compiling case notes in preparation for further action.
Thank you for your continued support
Nadine & Richard

Nadine Marshall
Nov. 2, 2016
A voice for Conner
Following the initial target of £5,000 being met, we are now in the position to be able to continue raising funds and keep this page open and active for another month. Continuing to raise funds to commence and facilitate a legal case against agencies involved in the supervision of the murderer of our son Conner. Case building has begun, legal advice sought with proposals being drawn up. More media coverage is planned for late Nov 2016. Watch this space!
We are so grateful and appreciative for every single pledge from every single individual. Despite this, we must ensure that donations are maintained so as to continue this campaign and ensure change, truth and accountability.
Our nightmare began 18 months ago, and will continue forever. However we are determined to gain a #AvoiceforConner, and ensure families who find themselves in the harrowing position of loosing a loved one as a result of crime do not have to battle for answers and transparency.
Thank you for your continued support and sharing.
Nadine & Richard

Nadine Marshall
Nov. 1, 2016

Nadine Marshall
Oct. 26, 2016
A voice for Conner
Still time to Pledge, Tweet & Facebook share our story. Please use the above link.
Thank you so very much for your continued support.

Nadine Marshall
Oct. 18, 2016
A voice for Conner
Wonderful to see the pledges coming in daily. We're not at our target yet but wellon our way. Media interest in the campaign is a positive and will hopefully help us on our journey. From the bottom of hearts we thank you all for your continued support.
Thank you
Nadine & Richard xx

Nadine Marshall
Oct. 10, 2016
A voice for Conner
Thank you very much for your pledge to our campaign. Fingers crossed we reach the target to ensure #AvoiceforConner. Please keep sharing.
Best Wishes
Nadine & Richard

Nadine Marshall
Oct. 5, 2016
A voice for Conner
Thank you for the pledges. Please keep sharing.
Remember any pledges will only be honoured if we reach our initial target of £5,000 by November 2016.
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