Stop the sale of Herefordshire's publicly-owned farms
Stop the sale of Herefordshire's publicly-owned farms

Latest: July 12, 2017
Council responds to our Letter before Action: we need funds now!
Following Herefordshire Council's response to our Letter before Action we urgently need funds to take our case forward. Advice from our legal team that we've a strong case means we don't …
Read moreIt's Our County (IOC) is an independent local political party, founded in 2010 on the principles of openness and accountability. Since 2015 we have been the largest opposition group on Herefordshire Council - a remarkable feat in just 5 years. Our councillors come from a wide range of backgrounds and are just ordinary working people committed to serving their communities and delivering the best future for the county.
Our councillors fund our party from their own pockets, so our financial resources are very limited. We feel passionately that the sale of all Herefordshire's publicly owned farms is wrong. We are concerned at the way the decision has been handled by the council and our concern is shared by our tenant farmers and by many local residents. Through 'Crowd Justice' we want to raise the funds we need to use the Judicial Review process to challenge the council's unconstitutional decision to sell its entire farm estate.
Herefordshire is a diverse agricultural county - hops, yoghurt, beef, apples, cheese, chickens, strawberries, pork, asparagus, lamb - you name it, we grow it. Council-owned farms are the only means by which ordinary people have a hope of getting a foot on the farming ladder. As a result of the council's mishandled decision, the livelihoods and homes of almost 50 tenant farmers and their families are immediately at stake, as well as the future farming careers of generations to come.
The Herefordshire case has had plenty of national media coverage including BBC1's Countryfile, Radio 4's Farming Today, and the national, and farming press. Much of this coverage has centred on the council's mishandling of the decision process including its decision to withhold key information from the statutory scrutiny process. This included the council providing a heavily redacted version of its own external consultant's report; redaction which concealed the report's clear recommendation that the majority of the estate should be retained.
We've taken legal advice and, if we can raise the funds to instruct a specialist barrister, we believe there's a good chance that the farm estate could be kept in public ownership.
Thanks to your pledges we've already raised first target of £3,500 to cover costs for a specialist barrister to assess the case and advise on how to proceed. We now need to raise the rest of the £15,000 needed if the case is to be successfully taken forward to Judicial Review.
Please help us to secure a route into farming for future generations.
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It's Our County (Herefordshire)
July 12, 2017
Council responds to our Letter before Action: we need funds now!
Following Herefordshire Council's response to our Letter before Action we urgently need funds to take our case forward. Advice from our legal team that we've a strong case means we don't want to have to give up now. Your great support has got us to where we are and huge thanks to everyone who has already pledged. Now for the big push to raise up to £40,000 we need to cover all the possible legal costs of a Judicial Review.
And please spread the word by emailing friends to ask them to pledge too, posting on Facebook and Tweeting in support!

It's Our County (Herefordshire)
June 25, 2017
Lawyers send 'Letter before Action' to Herefordshire Council
On Monday 26 June Herefordshire Council will receive a 'Letter before Action' from our lawyers requiring the Council to respond within 14 days to the letter's detailed grounds for challenge on the lawfulness of the decision to sell the entire farms estate, and either to revisit that decision or face the prospect of a Judicial Review.
It's Our County now needs immediately to raise £1,150 to cover the specialist barrister's costs of taking this significant step, and to raise further funds towards the cost of any potential Judicial Review which the letter opens up. Please help us to take this case forward to legal challenge by pledging again, emailing your friends, posting links on Facebook or Tweeting in support.
Thank you very much for all your support and pledges so far, and for your and your friends' further support that will now enable us to take the case forward.
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