Help us challenge legal aid cuts for prisoners
Help us challenge legal aid cuts for prisoners
Latest: Jan. 26, 2017
Our appeal is to be heard on 31 January 2017
There is less than a week to go before our appeal is to be heard on 31 January at 2pm. Please, help us reach our target of £25,000 before then.
It is so important that we challenge the cuts to l…
Read moreLegal aid for prisoners, including children, was cut severely in December 2013.
Since the cuts came into force, conditions in prisons have deteriorated sharply. Violence and self-injury have risen to record levels, and more than 270 people in prison have taken their own lives. Calls to our charities have increased by almost 50 per cent.
We are legally challenging the cuts because allowing all prisoners equal access to justice is the hallmark of a civilised society. Next January, the Court of Appeal will hear on our case.
We need your help to raise at least £5,000 and we’re aiming for £25,000. This will ensure that the charities' front line legal work for people in prison is not put at risk as a result of the case.
Your donation will help us bring the challenge. Thank you for your support.
The impact of the cuts
The impact of the cuts has been far-reaching. It means that a child held in solitary confinement cannot challenge their isolation. It denies help to disabled prisoners who need support packages so that they can be released safely. It means that a prisoner who is being considered by the Parole Board for transfer to an open prison, but not release, cannot get legal representation unless they can pay.
About the charities
The Howard League for Penal Reform and the Prisoners’ Advice Service (PAS) are the only charities in the UK dedicated to providing free legal advice for prisoners. The Howard League supports children and young adults, while PAS represents adults aged over 21.
If you would like further information on the case, please contact [email protected]
Thank you again for your support.
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The Howard League for Penal Reform & Prisoners' Advice Service
Jan. 26, 2017
Our appeal is to be heard on 31 January 2017
There is less than a week to go before our appeal is to be heard on 31 January at 2pm. Please, help us reach our target of £25,000 before then.
It is so important that we challenge the cuts to legal aid for prisoners and that our legal work for people in prison is not put at risk as a result of the case.
Please pledge your support ( if you already have, thank you, and please consider giving again!) and share the page with anyone you know.
Thank you for your support.

The Howard League for Penal Reform & Prisoners' Advice Service
Jan. 13, 2017
Our appeal is to be heard between 31 January and 2 February
Thank you to everyone who has backed us so far.
The case is listed to be heard between 31 January and 2 February 2017, please help us reach our target of £25,000 before then.
It is so important that we challenge the cuts to legal aid for prisoners and that our legal work for people in prison is not put at risk as a result of the case.
Please pledge your support ( if you already have, thank you, and please consider giving again!) and share the page with anyone you know.
Thank you for your support.

The Howard League for Penal Reform & Prisoners' Advice Service
Nov. 17, 2016
Deadline extended to reach stretch target!
Thanks to our generous backers, we have raised over £7,500 so far – we couldn’t have done it without your help!
We have now extended our deadline for another 30 days to try and reach our stretch target of £25,000.
It is so important that we challenge the cuts to legal aid for prisoners and that our legal work for people in prison is not put at risk as a result of the case.
Please pledge your support ( if you already have, thank you, and please consider giving again!) and share the page with anyone you know.
Thanks for all your support.

The Howard League for Penal Reform & Prisoners' Advice Service
Nov. 3, 2016
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