An end to coal in the UK on climate change grounds
An end to coal in the UK on climate change grounds
Save Druridge
We are a local group from Northumberland opposing a proposal to operate what would be the largest opencast coal mine in England in the beautiful Druridge Bay coastal area.
It is imperative ALL of our supporters contribute as much as they can AND SHARE this link to ALL friends and family. With you all behind us we can win this!!!
On 23 March this year, the then Secretary of State, the Right Hon. Sajid Javid MP refused permission to develop a massive opencast coal mine in Druridge Bay, Northumberland. He did so because of the significant adverse impact that the opencast would have on what he described as the valued landscape, and also that the proposal would be inconsistent with policies for meeting the challenge of climate change, and would not represent sustainable development. We agreed and support his decision. The idea of a destructive, noisy, polluting and significantly harmful opencast coal mine in one of the most beautiful areas of the UK beggars belief.
The refusal in March followed over five years opposing the proposal in which the operator, Banks Mining, has shifted its reasons for the proposal frequently, its justification simply doesn’t add up.
Banks Mining has now appealed the Secretary of State’s refusal and we now need to defend the case in the High Court and we need help in doing so. Banks suggest that: "Coal is the bridge to a low carbon economy". Frankly, this statement is absurd.
The case is significant. It was the first ever proposal to be called in on climate change grounds and the developer’s appeal appears to suggest that digging up fossil fuel is entirely acceptable and that the Secretary of State was incorrect in his approach in refusing permission.
We need financial support to help ensure that we can be legally represented in the High Court. Banks Mining has stated that the case is significant. We agree, it is vital that such an important decision by the UK Government to say no to ‘coal’ in clear terms is upheld and that the pursuit of coal purely for profit does not prevail.
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Michelle pledged £10Match Michelle's pledge of £10This is one of the biggest issues of my lifetime - how we save and not destroy the planet.
David pledged £10Match David's pledge of £10When government fails to act, individuals must step up.
Doreen pledged £10Match Doreen's pledge of £10Good Luck
John pledged £90Match John's pledge of £90keep up the good work
Christine pledged £50Match Christine's pledge of £50Keep up the good work
Jill pledged £10Match Jill's pledge of £10Don’t let them win, deny Banks a victory
Jo pledged £50Match Jo's pledge of £50Good luck. It will be a tragedy if this horrific open cast mine goes ahead.
Mrs. Stephanie Margaret pledged £10Match Mrs. Stephanie Margaret's pledge of £10We absolutely object to this proposal to tear up the UK countryside for an open cast coal mine. We're pleased the SoS refused it, we should invest in renewables & KEEP IT IN THE GROUND.
Jen pledged £10Match Jen's pledge of £10We must all protect this landscape and the environment. It could be Sussex next!
IVOR pledged £10Match IVOR's pledge of £10stop using fossil fuels, use/invest in tidal energy instead.
Hilary pledged £20Match Hilary's pledge of £20Another daft try at wreaking some prime environment.
Silvia pledged £10Match Silvia's pledge of £10Long live our wonderful Druridge Bay!
Hugh pledged £25Match Hugh's pledge of £25Coal is crazy!
Grace pledged £20Match Grace's pledge of £20Leave it in the ground :-)
Doug pledged £5Match Doug's pledge of £5Best of luck !
Neil pledged £25Match Neil's pledge of £25First nuclear, now this.... leave our wild places alone! Banks Mining are remorseless - we have a huge task on our hands here...
Phil pledged £55Match Phil's pledge of £55Leave the bloody stuff in the ground.
Les pledged £10Match Les's pledge of £10Coal is a pollutant. Destroying a beautiful area to get it is insane.
Jan pledged £25Match Jan's pledge of £25Pledged in the name of the children of the UK who face the future we are making.
Trevor pledged £50Match Trevor's pledge of £50Good luck. Fight!
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